What is the name for when drum software uses alternating samples of e.g hi hat to create a more realistic midi drum sound?
I’m trying to figure out if its possible to set it up to work in my MPC Live 2 and can’t figure out the right search term to be using
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So you have 2 things:
- Velocity layers
- Round robin
Velocity layers is playing a sample of a drummer hitting a snare softly, or a sample of someone hitting a snare very hard when you hit the pad hard. That creates an extra layer of realism.
Round robin is where there are multiple, almost identical samples in each velocity layer. As if you’re recoding a drummer. If the drummer hits his snare twice in a row, those two hits will not be 100% the same. That’s around robin and makes the kit sound even more realistic.
And I presume you’d need both. From a quick google I don’t think the MPC does both simultaneously
From what I know it indeed does not do both. The Maschine + also does not seem to do both… Man, if some controller gets released that has this built in I’d the first to switch 
But right now, money wise, buying a refurbished M1 MacBook Air and a cheaper MIDI controller gets you 10x the quality and possibilities.
Thanks so much. It was actually getting the MPC that brought me here, and onto a new venture in finger drumming. I like the fact, for practice purposes, that it’s not connected to a computer and all the inherent distractions that they bring. The thing that bugs me at the moment is the hi-hat and snare samples being identical between the two pads. I think I can make my own kit with different samples on the second pads eventually as I get better with the MPC.
As I follow along with your course, I’ll try connecting the MPC up as a controller to my laptop & Addictive Drums. That should work, right?
Is the free version of Addictive Drums enough to get going with? I see on their website they sell expansion packs, and as you say have sales occasionally
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The free version of Addictive Drums is not a complete kit. In that case I would try Steven slate Drums FREE. That’s one completely free kit.
For Addictive Drums, just wait until they do their “Summer Sale” or somethinng like that. Usually 40% to 50% off of their usual prices. That’s the moment to buy the custom starter pack with the Black Oyster, Fairfax 1 and Funk kits so you can use all my presets 
Hey. Just noticed Addictive drums have a sale on at the moment. I don’t see a custom start pack, but they do have a ‘Custom Collection’ for $118 (Custom Collection - XLN Audio) Presumably i then choose the ADpaks you mentioned. Is that correct?
Yes that’s the one! After buying this, you can pick 3 kits.