That Tame Impala drum sound

I’ve been interested in getting this (and similar) sounds, have looked at some “real-world” mic setup tutorials for it, then forgot about it again.

Just found this video on YouTube, they seemed to really nail this sound, using Addictive Drums 2 and a few FX plugins. I’m going to dive deeper into this later (see which kits they use… looks like Black Oyster with Indie toms), and see what results I yield by following these steps.

Sharing for the common good here :slight_smile: would be nice to see what you guys can gather from this video as well.

(Addictive Drums 2 screenshot at 10min 43 sec, FX plugins after)

Lovely! My first thought was indeed something like the “Indie” kit. The screenshot shows the Black Oyster hi hat… could be, but it sounds a little different. Maybe it’s just the Indie hi hat, or the Funk hi hat.

Compress and saturate the bejesus out of them for the Tame Impala sound!

Interesting. That Black Oyster kit has a definite Bonham sound…!!!