I knew i saw it but dont find it anymore i am searching for your sound setting in addictive drums

Hey Robert
so i am seaching for your soundsetting or used kit you lets say use at beginning course and right after some Fairfax i guess remeber you had a setting also )?
cant find the place where you mentioned it
Thank you for all your work and greetings Oliver

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You mean which kit to buy? *** I recommend the Black Oyster, Fairfax 1 and Funk kits to start with (you can pick 3). I use these kits for basically all the drum presets on this website, so you’ll have a great time playing along to the lessons with the exact same sounds I use.*

If this is not what you mean, let me know.

thanks Rob
i have addictive complete
what is the kit name you use
is it facrory set or did you tune it
it sounds so amazing punchy)

Von meinem/meiner Galaxy gesendet

I make presets for a lot of lessons. But for the beginner course you probably want Black Oyster >> Dry

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thats it beautiful
thank you Rob )

Von meinem/meiner Galaxy gesendet

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