How to play tom based grooves

Hey all you finger drummers.
I was wondering if anyone has a cool tip for playing Tom based grooves?
Haven’t really found a lesson on it on QFG and I find it kinda hard with the standard pad layout but I might just be missing some techniques. Any advice would be helpful.

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I should do a lesson about that actually… One cheat I can give you is this:

  • Just setup the toms in the spots of the snares and hihats and play as if youre playing a normal drum kit. You could setup a more snappy sounding tom on the snare pads and a more soft rim click tom for the hihats. That leads to fun results and will problably sound pretty cool right away!

Oh yeah that does sound like a good idea. Will definetively try that.
As I have a presonus Atom It’s pretty tricky to do these changes in the middle of a song when I’m producing as I cant change the notes my controller is triggering. Would be cool to at least get some basic tom grooves down with the standard layout so I dont have to switch the settings around too much mid song.

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