Akai MPC Beats - Free Download

This is just a heads up, Akai have released MPC Beats as a free download to use, you also can download 2 free expansion packs. Although its basically another type of DAW, it does provide a lot more drum kits that can be easily be setup for finger drumming. The kits seem to range across a wide variety of Genre, its really simple to pull the samples over to the pad you want to use in the standard QfG format.

Obviously there are more than just drums in this package because you can use it as a DAW. It has the functionality to use Ableton LInk, so you can use the two DAWs together should you want to.

The drum pads are designed for the Akai pads, therefore in a standard 4x4 format. However, it does recognize most of the pads controllers used here, including Maschine Mikro (but there isn’t a Mk3 but the Mk2 works well).

Another potential resource really. :smiley: