Roli Seaboard as pad controller?

Hey everybody! I’m new here and excited make some grooves!

I was wondering if anybody had any experience using the Roli Seaboard (the squishy keyboard, not the lightblock) as a pad controller.

I just bought the Launchpad X based Rob’s recommendation (I like having more than 16 pads and don’t mind the small pads), but was kind of disappointed at the sensitivity. I have to play pretty hard to ensure that my lightest hits will be picked up 100% of time. Little ghost notes, hi hat fills, etc don’t register at all about 20% of the time (velocity settings don’t seem to affect the minimum threshold for the lightest hit). I’m guessing that other people play a little harder than me or maybe my Launchpad is just a little less sensitive, or maybe I need to hit the gym :slight_smile:

I know that the Lightpad block isn’t recommended for serious finger drumming, but what about the actual Seaboard?

Up until now I’ve been using a midi keyboard for drums, so I don’t mind the layout (I prefer keyboard layout over the square grid in some ways) but the long travel distance of regular keys obviously makes it less than ideal. Since the Seaboard’s keys behave more like pads (based on what I can see in videos), I was wondering if it’s sensitive enough for finger drumming. Are they more sensitive or less sensitive than, for example, the Launchpad X?

Thanks in advance!


I’ve got a seaboard block as well as a rise. Haven’t tried either for finger drumming but not sure you would find the responsiveness better than the launchpad. There can also be inconsistencies with the responsiveness of individual keys… I also find them quite a fatiguing keyboard to play.

Thanks for the info! How do you like the Seaboard in general? Also what are you using for finger drumming? I thought for sure, based on the reviews, that the launchpad would be more sensitive than it is.

I’ve got a Rise 49. I think its great for expressive solos. I like the squishy keys and having to dig your fingers in them to trigger changes in the sounds timbre.

The rest of the gear, not so much. I’ve yet to find a use for a light pad that another device can’t do a better job of. I know it can do multiple things and is highly configurable. It kinda looks cool especially if you were making videos but it feels like a gimmick and I hardly ever reach for one. The seaboard block is ok but I prefer the Rise.

My everyday pad controller is an Akai MPD 218 that I upgraded the pads on. I’ve got a Maschine MK3 as well which I actually prefer to the 218 but it takes up more desk space so for a quick finger drumming practice session the Akai gets used. The longer sessions and when I’m practising stuff with dynamics I’d probably choose the Maschine. I’ve got a launchpad X as well but that has seen very little use so far as I’ve not really had a need for more than 16 pads

It could be that have a particularly insensitive Launchpad X - in general the reports have been favourable. But I think there can be some variability within the same device. I had to send my Maschine MK3 back for repair. I also briefly had a Maschine Mikro MK3 which I found unusable as it was inconsistent across its own pads. I know others have had a great experience with the Mikro

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