Looking for USB Hub Recommendations for iPad Pro

Although I am getting the Maschine Mikro Mk3 for drumming and it will work through my PC, I still intend to do a lot of my music creation on iPad, so am looking for a good Powered USB option. I will want to be able to connect to my iPad with USB C (one that will charge at the same time), and will need to connect a Focusrite, my keyboard, and perhaps external disk for archiving. Not bothered aobut HDMI or SD Cards to be honest., I’d prefer something that has a few USBc and USBA (is that what the original ones are called). I’d prefer that it didn’t attach to iPad with a fixed cable that comes out of it. Has anyone got any recommendations. I’m finding it more than a little daunting how much choice there is :slight_smile:

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Hello! I use an iPad (pre-Pro – it has a lightning port) with my Focusrite Scarlett 4i4. The 4i4 I think requires a little more power than the 2i2 and below. It was a bit hard to find info on what exactly to buy. I found Focusrite pages telling me I needed a powered USB hub, but in the end all I needed was this:

Plug your iPad power cable into the female lightning port on this adapter. Plug in that power cable and keep it plugged in while you use your iPad with your audio interface. If it’s not plugged in your iPad will not have enough power to run your Focusrite. Now plug your interface (Focusrite) into the larger USB female port and your interface should power on.

Since you have an iPad Pro I think it has a USB C port, not a lightning port like mine does. In that case, you probably can use this adapter: Apple USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter

I also think this cheaper one would work:

Amazon let me return the adapters/cables that were wrong and I wasn’t charged for shipping.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks mate. that’s similar to the one I got and it works a treat. Just need to get a Midi Pad device that works well :slight_smile:

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I was able to set up my older iPad with BeatMaker 3, although it was rather tedious to map the pads.

As far as a good USB hub, I would suggest you search for Pete John’s videos on YouTube (which are mainly about GarageBand), but he also recommends a lot of iPad compatible equipment. I know he is done at least one video about the USB hub he recommends.