I’m wondering if I can use the Launchpad X or PRO with NI Kontakt’s VST instruments, and use the scale and chord options. Can anyone help me with that ? I’m looking for the best sensitivity pads for expressive playing, love the Maschine MK3 ones, but am interested into a 8x8 pad layout.
That should work fine. The Launchpads can be used as standard MIDI controllers. If you want to use chords you probably want the Launchpad Mk3 Pro?
You can just load up Kontakt as Standalone or in a DAW as VST. The Launchpad is then loaded as a regular MIDI controller just like any keyboard, nothing special.
Thanks Fannon ! Do you know then how I should configure the Launchpad as controller to be able to move from one instrument (track in the DAW) to another ? Thank for your help.
Ok, that is more tricky because every DAW is different. For this “standard MIDI” will not be sufficient, you’ll need a “controller” support by the DAW you want to use. Better check whether the DAW you want to use supports the Launchpad. Do you already know which DAW?
No, but now you could google Logic Pro Controller Support for Launchpad. I’m pretty sure there will be posts or videos around that will show this, if it’s supported. Then have a look if the workflow makes sense to you and if the feature support covers what you need.
There is at least one exception in a DAW and I suspect more. You can map any controller you want in Ableton Live if you want to take the time to do it. Also, the Traktor DJ hardware from Native Instruments is mappable as well and can be used for live performance. For me it would be for a performance including finger drumming.