Have you had any luck with this combination? I just bought my first controller, and I have absolutely no prior experience. Mapping the very first drum kit to my controller seems to be a nightmare. I’d appreciate any help I can get…
Hey! The mini mk2 seems to be a lot harder to map than the mk3. With that new novation components software mapping became super easy… so that sort of sucks if you have a mk2 and you’re so close to having easy mapping yet so far away
Have you looked into this free plugin called note mapper? It takes some time to get working out itll allow you to map any midi note to any other midi note and even multiple notes.
It’s at codefn42.com/notemapper
Make sure to check the guides on how to use it with your daw. I managed to get it working with ableton live lite.
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Thank you! I’ll look into it soon. Too bad I didn’t know about the mapping issue sooner… But, I’ll start figuring it out.
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