BenEBadman First Attempt

For anyone interested, below is a link to my first attempt at finger drumming.

Maschine Mikro Mk3 → Presonus Studio Artist → Impact custom setup based on Rob’s pad setup. Plus 3 choke groups and post-processing effects (verbs, compressor, eq etc) on 5 output channels .

I replaced the original midi drum track in a tune I recorded years ago. I did cheat a little with live recorded hits on a tyre iron for the cowbell.

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Hey man, congrats! It sounds real to me. It has this nice vibe which I somehow associate with a place that collects old rusty automobiles and strips them for parts. Funny how music can invoke a certain feeling like that. Keep it up!

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Thanks Rob for the encouragement. That song was inspired by a road trip my wife and I did through the Southern Utah and Arizona canyonlands in 2006. There certainly were a lot of abandoned human habitations among the incredible geographical monoliths - described by one of the early settlers as “a hell of a place to lose a cow”.