I should actually do a follow up video about this subject because I noticed I’m switching a lot between layouts for different purposes.
As soon as I get my thoughts in order about this I will let you know Right now I think the more basic layout with those rolls is a simple and easy way to get a lot of music out of your controller, where those other more advanced layouts are theoretically superior but also a bit overwhelming and in most cases a little bit like giving a bazooka to a chimpanzee… way too much!
I can imagine that experienced players can benefit from the advanced layouts though.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense: I definitely don’t need 60ish sounds at my current skill level. But even keeping it to the basic sounds but laid out in the diamond shape feels pretty nice to me. I haven’t tried the basic layout on my launchpad yet though. So I’ll try that layout and see which I like better. Definitely looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on layouts!