Hi there, I was wondering if anybody is using XO and could share a how-to.
The software enables 8 single-hit drum samples to be triggered from C1 to G1 but doesn’t offer a mapping utility like Addictive Drums.
As I’m getting used to QFG layout, the middle, thumb and index are the fingers I want to trigger the sounds and not the 8 lower pads as the software offer.
I thought about Max4Live but couldn’t find something that filter, transpose and relocate the note, not sure if there is a workaround for it.
Anybody? Thanks!
I love XO but you can’t map it from the software, sadly. Wouldn’t that be awesome? I asked the developers and it’s on the feature request list, but no word of when we will see an update.
I also sent the same message to the support just in case, here is their answer:
Thanks for getting in touch with us. As of now that is no way to set up a custom mapping for XO, it responds to the values C1 - G1 as you pointed out. I will however forward this as a feature request for XO to the product team.
Please let us know if you would have any further questions.
Meanwhile I can export all the 8 single hits as wave in the export page to a drumrack and play it with the QFG template.
Hey @decio! Thanks for that tidbit of info. I didn’t know the XO sample layout was tied to C1-G1. I thought it was C3-G3 and I was trying everything and getting nowhere. No wonder I couldn’t get it to work! I have a Launchpad X, and I added the notes you mentioned to a custom map to match the XO assignments of Kick, Snare, etc. I have ten pads now in the QFG layout that I can play in XO (doubling up some of the pads to play the same note). Now I can put all my crazy old one-shots to good use and have fun experimenting with them. XO makes the nuttiest kits, nothing matches and it sounds insane and cool! Now, let’s just hope the developers allow midi learn and more than 8 samples eventually and we will be Questing for Groove in XO!
I successfully re-assigned Toontracks EZ midi drum map (which is standard) and it plays fine on Xo… It’s wonderful in face. You can quickly substitute more interesting drum samples.
I wrote to XLN Audio to please make it a feature to let users - re-assing midi notes and save as a midi assignment preset. Or at least yet users know they can remamp themselves. This makes Xo even more useful.