I’m a pure play drummer. That being said when I try finger drumming my left hand always wants to play snare. my right hand plays Hi Hat but my bass drum doesn’t naturally use my thumb at all. I’m not electronically savvy at all. The whole set up seems a bit much. So I’m gravitating towards the FGDP as a start. Do you have any suggested pad layouts to accommodate me? For example on my SPD SX I will play both snare and bass drum with my left hand.
You can play the way you’re used to on an FGDP. The kick and snare pads cover the entire device from left to right. Hi hat pads are also on both sides of the device.
Here’s how you can set things up. I recommend NOT using the QFG tom layout, but to just stick with how Yamaha envisions them. I’ve practiced playing like that for a while and it just works.
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Then 16 pad controller with classic layout will suit you better. By classic layout I mean: Pad 1 - kick and Pad 2 - snare. Played with left hand.
Yamaha FGDP more suitable for mirror layout. But I reconfigured R2 pad to kick so I can practice in classic layout too. So you can consider that option.