Fingerdrumming rudiments


I guess a lot of knowledge for drumming on a real kit transfers to the world of fingerdrumming.
There are the popular 40 rudiments for example. However from what i see a lot of these contain specific “real kit” technique which does not apply for us.
I’m wondering what the rudiments for fingerdrumming could be, sort of basic building blocks that are worthwhile to practice. I guess I’m looking something i can peactice during warmup which will help to solidify the basics to then create new grooves etc.

LRLR (single strokes)
LLRR( double strokes)

What are your thoughts?

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I have personally never gone through all the rudiments. I like the single stroke, double stroke and paradiddle (which is of course again single strokes and double strokes).

I also sometimes practice playing triplets while using double strokes, but in most cases the single stroke does work better for that.

What I did do is learn to switch seamlessly between singles and doubles and improvise these rhythms between my hands where I could also effortlessly switch which hand was the leading hand.

Outlined in a simplified version in this video:

That really helped me improve my playing.

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Yeah i think that lesson is super helpful.
I think the last step of trying some improvising can also help to reinforce to the double strokes. Usually when i jam i feel more confident with the “alternating hands” technique.
What i saw was that most of those patterns in the lesson have full 16ths notes without a lot of pauses. I guess inserting pauses could be a next step to spice it up? That usually brings my grooves out of control, since it’s tough to resume at the right moment without the pauses becoming too long.

Yes pausing is always a great one… and then… keep counting out loud and breathing normally! That will help to overcome the problems in that area over time.

Sometimes closing eyes and not looking can help. I found that then I’m sort of imagining what I want to play next and my hands sort of move towards the right pads. But that took some time before that started to happen.