ESI XJAM or Maschine mikro mk3

I’m quite torn between these two units.

I like the small form factor of the XJAM. While the cheaper price is nice, it’s not my main priority. Pad sensitivity is however - I would like to be able to play a broad range of velocities and perform accurate ghost notes.

So if you have experience with both; does the Mikro Mk3 have significantly better pads or is it mostly a matter of bigger vs smaller pads? In that case I think small pads would be ok, unless anyone has other experiences.

Thanks in advance!

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In my experience the difference is mostly size. Sensitivity is fine in both.

Please keep in mind that I’ve tested 4 Maschine micro units and 2 jam units so it is in no way an extensive testing with statistical significance. But that’s all someone like me can do so yeah… try it out, I think there’s a big chance the xjam does what you want it to do!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Robert! - and of course not, but your input is appreciated anyways :slight_smile:
I might end up ordering both to compare…

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Hey Asger! Did you end up ordering both? That’s what I should’ve done

Hey Fabs

No, actually I went with the Maschine, so never tried the XJAM.

I played with the pads on my Arturia midi keyboard - which are very lacking in sensitivity by the way - and decided bigger pads would nice when playing fills with two fingers on one pad.

I’m very satisfied so far! - the size of the Maschine doesn’t bother me at all, it’s not that big, the pads are great and the price different wasn’t that big since NI had a sale.

Did you buy one and regret the purchase?:slight_smile:

I got the XJam! I feel like the pads could be a bit more sensitive but I’m a newbie and I have nothing to compare them against, so I really can’t tell.
It’s all good. Robert said it’s great and he would know.
I’m glad you’re happy with your purchase!

They should respond to soft touches! You might want to play around in the editor which might improve things. If not, it might be a bad unit.

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