5 minutes advise in hit the gym lessons

I found 5 minutes (as recomennded in some lessons of hit the gym) often too short for practicing. I don’t feel like hitting a wall within 5 minutes. Sometimes I feel it would even help me to repeat the pattern longer in order to remember it better the next day. I guess if you’re going to a drummer class it will also be like 20-45 minutes. Are the lessons meant to be taken while doing other lessons of the course as well? Can I just extend the sessions as long as I don’t feel like I’m overdoing it?

And since I’m already typing: This course is awesome. I really enjoy it!

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Yes, you can absolutely extend the 5 minutes if you feel like you have the energy and you feel like you’re making improvements.

The 5 minutes limit in all honesty is a way to get people who also want to play music or who just don’t have the discipline to practice the hard stuff to also ‘eat their vegetables’. After 5 minutes you already get a lot of benefits and especially when things become frustrating, the 5 minutes rule is a good one. You will improve, without burning yourself out.

However, if you enjoy what you are doing and a 30 minute practice session makes you feel good and gives you energy, then 30 minutes of practice will definitely be good for you.

The big improvements come from practicing + sleeping over a longer period of time, so make sure you’re not replacing 5 short sessions with one long one (unless that’s all you can do ofcourse).

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