How far to push my timing?

Well I was going to allocate this to Rob, but lately I have realised that other members has lots of knowledge too.

I have no drummed same thing for a week. Im still not 100% happy with my performance.

Was going to ask that how far I should push my timing before moving to next step?


As a suggestion, if you can play along with the backing tracks that Rob provides your half way there. If you can play along at the tempo in Robs videos and do that several times without mistakes then I would move on. However, I always keep a selection of the past backing tracks and rhythm grids and look back at them quite regularly. Its amazing how you will see considerable improvement on the old stuff once you start learning some new stuff. I would always get the stuff that I am working on to a fairly good standard in terms of getting through it several times with no mistakes. Hope that helps.

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Most of have probably heard:

“Don’t just practice until you get it right, practice until you can’t get it wrong.”

I think there is a lot to be said for this, early on I had a tendency to try to advance as quickly as possible. Predictably, this led to me being barely passable at a lot of patterns, and whatever I had ‘learned’ tended to fade from my skillset rapidly.

The opposite end of the spectrum (practicing the same pattern until computer-like precision occurs in nearly every attempt) presents other issues. Boredom and stagnation being two big ones.

There’s a skill to learning, if that makes sense. Finding a balance between progression and repetition is a big part of that.

This is a difficult one because what to do will change over time.

If you’re in your first year of doing QFG I would say not getting lost (so losing the metronome or backing track, having to stop and then jump back in) is already a huge achievement.

As long as you try and be as groovy as possible and use your ears and listen to what you’re playing, you should be happy if you got from a to z.

Then what I would do is basically create a little side project for yourself. Pick one or two or three beats that you like and can play without thinking and then you try and apply all the tricks in the Time & Time again course to those beats. Record yourself, and try and improve their grooviness.

It think this way you’re getting the best of everything. You keep on chugging along, learning new hand combinations making music as well as you can AND you’re working on perfectionist timing but only with a couple of basic grooves.

Those two things will start to merge in your brain over time. And then you can revisit certain courses and songs and be more perfectionists about everything.