Yamaha FGDP-50 and FGDP-30

The accidental duplicated triggers of my FGDP-50 were annoying me a bit with Melodics, as there it will reduce your score.

So I spent a few hours today and created this web application: MIDI Deduper (fannon.github.io) that detects such duplicates note and sends a cleaned up MIDI signal to a forward MIDI port.

You’ll need a (virtual) MIDI loop device, but then you can set your MIDI drum pad as input and your loopback as forward. For the FGDP it was quite easy to filter out duplicate notes, because they were MUCH faster than it’s possible to play the notes realistically (for me, an interval between 7 and 20 ms between the notes).

Maybe that helps someone else out here, too. It will work with all pad controllers, but at least my FGDP is notorious for giving me double triggers. If I just play with it, it doesn’t hurt much, but for recording or playing with scoring it’s good to have this cleaned up.

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