Hi guys,
Around a month ago I bought a launchpad X to start my finger drumming journey.
Thanks to the 8x8 pad layout of Robert Matthijs playing it has become really enjoyable.
A piece of software I can recommend is the nanohost from tone2.
All it does is host a single vst, so I can start drumming right away after connecting the launchpad.
Even better: it is free.
I use it together with either MT power drum kit (free), or Steven slate’s.
Steven slate’s plugin seems more velocity sensitive. Where MT Power drum kit goes from loud to louder, the steven slate drum kit seems to have a larger expression range.
Looking forward to learning from the pro’s on these boards
Well not really. I’m happily using Logic Pro X and I recently bought Addictive Drums 2 but I’m still not happy setting up the Launchpad X. If you have some suggestions, I’m certainly open to them. Thanks.
H - I love Logic but went over to Ableton to explore the original LaunchPad Mini. Drum kits are easy peasy to build in Live. It’s been so long now (4 years) that I don’t even open my best Logic files… plus by now I would need to buy Logic.
I got no tips for you buddy but I do wish you the best of luck!
I had to watch a lot of YouTube videos, study the manual, and read forums from many sources to get the hang of setting up the Launchpad. Big time investment. I finally got it figured out and it’s great. The nice thing is that the concepts carry over to other gear. I’m a newbie with MIDI, and it’s quite a steep learning curve at the start.