Super sensitive pad controller for small hands?

Hi everyone,
So I have a vintage white Korg padKONTROL and I got it because I found the pads more sensitive than the Maschine MK1 or (original) M-Audio Trigger Finger.

But to be honest, even at the most sensitive setting/curve, I have to press down way too hard to trigger it, and also I have quite small hands and the pads are pretty far apart.

I would like something with great pads that are as sensitive, or even more sensitive than the padKONTROl, where the pads are not so far apart or maybe are a little smaller, so I don’t have to stretch as much to reach everything. Also it would be nice to not have to press down so hard to trigger the pads (high sensitivity).

Any recommendations?

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Launchpad pro mk3 will be your weapon of choice! 8x8 but the pads are big enough and you can simply set up a 4x4 layout inside the 8x8 grid.

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