My drum layout is diffrent

Hello I’m new to TQFG and I set my drums a little different and I’m also using Melodics as a course as well. Will this stop me from learning from you and your way of teaching?

I’m also using the MPC X as my drum machine.

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Hey Future Mpc God (perfect aspirational name!),

So… the answer is both yes and no. For most of the basics I use my layout because it comes in handy for certain patterns. The kick and the hi hat and snare are aligned for a reason and using a totally different layout will hold you back.

Later on, I go into learning rudiments between your hands and creating beats that way… this stuff can be translated to any layout since it’s more about the interaction between your hands instead of the pads you hit.

You can ofcourse try the first couple of lessons, including the first 5 of the grooving & improving course for free. If you take your time, let’s say 1 month to 6 weeks for this you will know if my method works for you or if it will just be to much of a different direction.

Good luck!

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Hello and thanks for the speedy response and the props on the name choice LOL. Ok so do you think should get my hand independence and coordination down first because I’m more of a hip hop freestyle drummer that uses samples with my drums for the melody and i place samples on certain pads to keep the melody going. So with that said should i just take your rudiment lessons to help with the free styling and certain patterns?

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Maybe the best thing to do is probably to watch this video: What I've been practicing all year - YouTube

I explain this thing about practicing stuff with your two hands and then turning that into beats. Maybe that is already enough for you to make your playing more advanced.

If you notice you really want to know what a ‘real’ drummer would do and how to make your recordings groove as if they have live drums, then maybe you want to go and spend the time learning my layout and just doing the courses because that is simply a lot of work. Multi-year journey you know… so not for everyone and probably a bit much if you’re more in the hip hop sampling game!

Ok I’ll check the video out but i think learning how to play drums the right way would significantly give me an advantage in my genre of choice.

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Alright, I’ll be here if you need anything. In the monthly livestreams I can try and give some personalise advice to students who need help transitioning from one method to another.

Ok thank you… I’m digging your communication with your community

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