I’m currently working on Section 3 of Grooving & Improving and just have a general question about the main beat and staying on track when the speed increases.
I know the notes and can generally play along to the Very Slow and Slow (beat only) for the majority of the backing track in lesson 2. I seem to be reasonable on the Medium but on the Fast, after a little while I’m hitting extra notes. For example after playing the kick and hi-hat on beat 1, I periodically also hit the kick the next ‘a’ instead of just the hi-hat.
Is this fairly normal for a beginner - I think it might just be my concentration fading? I guess in many real situations, you have some sort of variation or a fill at some stage so perhaps this goes away once you start doing that. I’m going ok with the flam in the fill and can play the groove and fill at Very Slow tempo, just thought I’d try the main beat at Fast.