I am interested in the Aura because it has larger pads than Xjam and also Maschine Mikro Mk3 is required to connect to a computer. But I wonder if I can use Aura without a computer. Such use case would be:
If it is USB MIDI class compliant, I can connect it directly to a hardware sampler/groovebox with USB host capability.
If not, I can power it with DC power and use the MIDI output to control other hardware.
Could anyone with experience with Aura please confirm if the above is possible? Thanks a lot.
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Yeah it should work with just a power adapter and then plugging it into a synth!
I have not done this myself since I do not have hardware units here, but when I bought it I read that this was a possibility.
Terrific! Exactly what I need!
I’m considering a similar purchase - the Nektar Aruba. From reading it sounded like it should work. Did you end up purchasing it and getting it to work satisfactorily?
It should work, but I’d have to check when I’m back from vacation to see if it actually does. Problem is I do not have a hardware synth, but maybe I can plug in the device into the computer without any usb but just with a midi cable… if that works it should also work with a synth.
I’m home July 31. So it will be a little wait. Let me know if this would still be helpful!
It would be excellent to do a pure test of a powered up mk3 connected to any hardware synth. Even a computer with a separate midi interface and the mk3 not connected at the same time could be worthwhile if you do not have a midi din enabled synth.
I’m planning to buy something in the first half of August so I can wait for your return.
Nektar will work; they responded to my support ticket despite not owning any product. Your statement that the mk3 consistent pad response from edge to edge makes me hope it will function capably unconnected.
By the way the poster I replied to mentioned connecting mk3 to a midi host embedded in a synth. That would be interesting too. I have an iconnectivity mio4 that would achieve that.
Hey I have not purchased the Aura yet. Nektar has been ignoring my ticket. It would be nice if Rob can do a test later.
And about Maschine, it must be connected to a computer with proper driver. It is not class compliant, thus the USB MIDI host trick does not apply.
I can say with 100% certainty that a Maschine unit (mk3 or otherwise) will not work without being hooked up to a computer with either windows or Mac OS running.
Will test the Aura when I get back, but it looks like they already confirmed it will work. It should. It is class compliant indeed.
If the onboard sequencer and stuff also work, that would be so dope! It seems that very few people actually use it. Maybe because it is impossible to compete with Maschine line. But I’d very much like a little bit of standalone treasure.
Hey it works. If you give it external power and set the midi output correctly, the receiving device will just get all the midi. From the pads, but also from the sequencer.
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