Benefit to practicing while not looking down at pads

I mostly have to look down at the pads while practicing to get the lessons down. Is there any benefit or reason to practice each lesson without looking at the pads?

Hey! There are a couple of benefits to not looking, but there is also a reason to “do” look at the pads.

  • When I record my performances I usually do look. Not all the time, but I look because it’s a demonstration of how things should be played and hitting a pad wrong means I have to record another take. So when it’s really important to make no mistakes and the part is not super easy to play, I do look at the pads.

  • That said, the benefit of not looking is that first of all you can close your eyes, which will heighten your senses in de hearing department which will make you groove better.

  • Another benefit that it’s probably better for your neck and back to have your neck upright.

My advice would be to keep looking when you’re playing difficult things and to see if you can stop looking when playing something that’s already easier to you. That’s probably the best way to slowly but surely play without looking too much.